Common Sense Solutions: On the Issues
CSSPAC fights to rally the local support for federal immigration bills such as H.R. 3003 (No Sanctuary for Criminals Act) and H.R. 3004 (Kate's Law). These bills are meant to take dangerous illegal aliens off the streets and put them in ICE custody. CSSPAC supports policies designed to eliminate funding for Sanctuary Cities and Counties that protect dangerous criminals who have come into our country illegally.
CSSPAC stands to create a fair and just immigration policy that allows hard-working individuals to come to America and contribute to our nation while starting a new life for themselves. To do this, we must:
1. Develop policies for legal immigration that is skill-based, not relation-based, coupled with a focus bring those here who are committed to rapid assimilation and integration;
2. Halt illegal immigration and get dangerous illegal aliens who have committed violent crimes off the streets and then deport them. One action in that process would be to strip every single penny of federal funding from any sanctuary jurisdiction until they comply with federal law and use that money to address the manpower problem at ICE.
A STRONG border and eliminating sanctuary cities and counties IS the best way to halt illegal immigration. CSSPAC believes that we should not tolerate anything less than specific policies that end unlawful immigration, putting America and Americans first.
CSSPAC seeks to create a competitive marketplace where private companies can openly compete against one another without the government's heavy hand. We strive to build the foundation to allow small businesses to flourish and for individuals to live out their dreams by starting their own business.
Our current system has created an environment where big businesses have bought our elected officials, and small business owners get the short end of the stick. That needs to change. We need to get government off the back - and out of the pockets - of working people, seniors, small business owners, and entrepreneurs. The government must work for the people that are the backbone of this country, not just for the elites, special interests, and lobbyists.
America's real prosperity does not come from Facebook, Google, or Netflix. It comes when we extract, grow, build, and make things. CSS will ensure that our elected officials cut the red tape that prevents business owners from pursuing these activities and thriving in the American economy.
Bureaucrats & Special Interests
Too many of our current politicians are so interested in the next step on the political ladder that they become controlled by special interests, lobbyists, and wealthy political insiders. We need to DRAIN THE SWAMP of pay to play politicians. We must elect individuals who are willing to make hard decisions and won't shy away from tough fights. CSSPAC will fight to hold our elected officials accountable and will work tirelessly to expose bought-out politicians who are full of hidden hypocrisies.
CSSPAC supports and will help enact the Regulation Freedom Amendment to the U.S. Constitution with the following language:
"Whenever one-quarter of the Members of the U.S. House or the U.S. Senate transmit to the President their written declaration of opposition to proposed federal regulation, it shall require a majority vote of the House and Senate to adopt that regulation."
The Regulation Freedom Amendment intends to sharpen the contrast between those who want unelected bureaucrats to keep their power to rule by regulatory edict and those serious about preserving regulatory reforms, taking control away from bureaucrats returning it to the people.
Second Amendment
CSSPAC believes that the 2nd Amendment is not about hunting. It is really not even about the ability to defend yourself. The 2nd Amendment is there because our Founding Fathers knew what men and governments were capable of doing. They knew that the surest way for us to preserve our liberty and freedom was to have the right to keep and bear arms. Gun control is not about stopping shootings; it is about taking that right away from law-abiding Americans. CSSPAC will:
1. Actively oppose ANY FORM of "Red Flag" gun confiscation laws.
2. Work to eliminate so-called "gun-free" zones.
3. Lobby to make National Reciprocity the law of the land.
Defend Conservative Values & Individual Freedoms
CSSPAC stands for actual conservative values; values built on the idea of limited government and individual freedoms. Many Republicans claim to be "conservative" but vote in favor of big government handouts, anti-life bills and infringing on personal choices. We need true conservatives in office who value the sanctity of life and who will take a stand for our freedoms. But even then, we need to make sure that our courts will then uphold those protections. To make sure our courts remain impartial and adhere to the law's intent, CSSPAC supports a bipartisan effort to persuade Congress to propose the "KEEP NINE" Amendment" to the U.S. Constitution which says:
"The Supreme Court of the United States shall be composed of nine Justices."
2022 and the Court Packing Issue...
Every candidate running for federal and state office in 2022 should be asked to tell us where they stand on this Amendment that would ensure that no future Congress and President could change the Supreme Court's size. Polling shows 3 to 1 support on this issue.
No candidate should be able to say today, "I oppose Court-Packing" without having to say where they stand on a Constitutional Amendment to ban it permanently.
Without an Amendment, when the left next wins control of Washington, they may abolish the Senate filibuster, add new states to pad their Senate majority, and pass a law to increase the Court's size. This would undermine the independence of the Court and respect for the rule of law. We cannot let that happen, but we must act now, in 2022, to prevent it.